Soul Food E56: A Child’s Question – An Adult’s Challenge
From snippets of her own life experience, Josephine explores the evocative power of ‘stories’. She recalls one such moment when her daughter asked a question about a homeless person they both had encountered. From her daughter’s curiosity, Josephine found a deepened appreciation in being open, present and engaged in the unique narrative behind each person's life. Such attentiveness to the story of others has also been a source of inspiration for Josephine’s ongoing commitment to different expressions of personal action in the world.

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Soul Food E56: A Child’s Question – An Adult’s Challenge
From snippets of her own life experience, Josephine explores the evocative power of ‘stories’. She recalls one such moment when her daughter asked a question about a homeless person they both had encountered. From her daughter’s curiosity, Josephine found a deepened appreciation in being open, present and engaged in the unique narrative behind each person's life. Such attentiveness to the story of others has also been a source of inspiration for Josephine’s ongoing commitment to different expressions of personal action in the world.