Soul Food E61: Share and inspire the gift of your life!
It’s good to be tired. Probably not we think of as an encouraging acknowledgement. That said, in a refreshing reflection shared by Alison Ryan from the Mission Enhancement Team (MET), we are invited to consider that there are different types of tiredness. Sometimes is a physical fatigue. Other times it’s a mental tiredness. And then there’s what Alison calls ‘eucharist’ tired – a deep kind of tired. What does it mean to ‘receive’ rest? If someone is receiving rest, who does the ‘giving’ and what does that mean to be a gift giver? Come on this Soul Food reflection with Alison to ponder, what does it mean to be eucharist – “the good gift”.

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Soul Food E61: Share and inspire the gift of your life!
It’s good to be tired. Probably not we think of as an encouraging acknowledgement. That said, in a refreshing reflection shared by Alison Ryan from the Mission Enhancement Team (MET), we are invited to consider that there are different types of tiredness. Sometimes is a physical fatigue. Other times it’s a mental tiredness. And then there’s what Alison calls ‘eucharist’ tired – a deep kind of tired. What does it mean to ‘receive’ rest? If someone is receiving rest, who does the ‘giving’ and what does that mean to be a gift giver? Come on this Soul Food reflection with Alison to ponder, what does it mean to be eucharist – “the good gift”.