At The Well S04e05: Walking Through the Door – The Pilgrim’s Journey Begins
t the Well is back for a second series in Season 4! In this 3-part series, your co-hosts Joy Adan and Eleanor Bonwick read and discuss Pope Francis’ message for the 37th World Youth Day, which has the theme “Mary arose and went with haste,” which is straight out of the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. In the series' first episode, Joy and El talk about pilgrimage and the different paths God surprises us with, being called to love with genuine generosity, and the many ways God walks with us, accompanies us in our challenges, and calls us towards mercy, healing and change. Resources: The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller Just Be Held by Casting Crowns “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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At The Well S04e05: Walking Through the Door – The Pilgrim’s Journey Begins
t the Well is back for a second series in Season 4! In this 3-part series, your co-hosts Joy Adan and Eleanor Bonwick read and discuss Pope Francis’ message for the 37th World Youth Day, which has the theme “Mary arose and went with haste,” which is straight out of the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. In the series' first episode, Joy and El talk about pilgrimage and the different paths God surprises us with, being called to love with genuine generosity, and the many ways God walks with us, accompanies us in our challenges, and calls us towards mercy, healing and change. Resources: The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller Just Be Held by Casting Crowns “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28