At The Well S05E01: Is self-care legit?

It’s a topic of conversation we hear readily around our workplaces, schools and communities – but is all this talk nonsense? Or is it truly worth listening to? Join your host Eleanor Bonwick and guest Anastasia Boulus for a casual discussion around faith, therapeutic culture, language and all things self-care. Words: accountability, fortuitous, time. Resources: Reading from Romans: 12:1 Catechism Verse: 901

At The Well S05E01: Is self-care legit?

It’s a topic of conversation we hear readily around our workplaces, schools and communities – but is all this talk nonsense? Or is it truly worth listening to? Join your host Eleanor Bonwick and guest Anastasia Boulus for a casual discussion around faith, therapeutic culture, language and all things self-care. Words: accountability, fortuitous, time. Resources: Reading from Romans: 12:1 Catechism Verse: 901